Sunday, 20 May 2012


Every now and again some of the ladies in the office I work with hold a charity event, this usually takes the form of a cake and raffle sale. As I'm known to be fond of baking a cake or two I'm often asked to contribute, this time I was asked to make something but not 'the Green Thing' which was my last offering. The green thing in question happened to be a Grasshopper Pie, one of Nigella's recipes. With that in mind I thought I would keep it simple and just make some cupcakes. Even though I posses enough books on baking to fill a shop I thought I would use a recipe I found online, Raspberry Cupcakes. An easy recipe and I think I nailed it pretty well. This was my first major go at making cupcakes and I'm pleased with the resuslts.

This is one of a dozen that seemed to go down rather well, I did make some Lemon and Poppy seed cupcakes but didn't take a photo.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Latest Offerings.....

Okay,okay I know I've been bad about updating my blog but in my defence I have been rather busy. I work for a large construction company in there finance department and it has been the companies year end, so it was one mad rush to get things finalised. That's not to say that I haven't been baking anything, far from it, as you can see from the pics below and I even tried my hand at some cupcakes the other day using a recipe by Dan Lepard, the cupcakes turned out really well but the butter cream icing was a different matter. I think I need to try out a few different recipes and I know I'm going to need a lot more practise before they look as good as I want them to. So here are some of my latest offerings:
Stilton & Raisin Bread

Green Olive Bread

Onion Bread

Hot Cross Buns