This weekend I decided to make one of my favourite cakes, Belgian Buns, Whenever I'm asked what cake would I like it would 9 times out of 10 be a Belgian bun, I'm not sure what it is about them, the sweet icing, the raisins or the cherry on top (always saved for the last bite). I trawled the net and was surprised to find only one or two recipes, having made my choice I found I was only missing one ingredient, raisins and they were easy enough to get hold of. So Saturday afternoon saw me throwing the ingredients in to the mixer and an hour later I had some well risen dough, a little bit sticky but workable none the less, so having flattened it out to a nice rectangle, brushed it over with some melted butter and topped it with raisins it was time to roll it up and slice it into, what looked like to me rather small portions. The yeast did it's usual magic trick of expanding the dough and 40 minutes later I had what looked like a decent sized cake. I popped them in the oven for twenty minutes at 200c, the recipe called for a much higher temperature and a longer duration, I'm glad I ignored it as they would have been burnt to pieces, all I had to wait to do then was ice them and pop a cherry on top. Lucky for me a few people were coming over for tea so I didn't have to eat them all myself.